Well, s..l..o..w..l..y progress is being made on the laundry closet. The quoted time frame for completion was the 9th of October. That date has come and gone, and I doubt that the project will be completed by NEXT week.....but, take a look at this picture....PROGRESS IS DEFINITELY BEING MADE!! I know, I know...I get impatient, but the end result will be worth the wait (at least that's what I keep telling myself, and so does my friend, Mary...bless her heart!). It will be nice to get the house back in order again!
I was able to golf 9 holes after work today and as I was leaving the golf course, my eye caught this sight of the full moon. I love full moons....they are soooo beautiful. This one looked like I could reach up and touch it! It had just about made it's debut above the trees! It's interesting that my daughter, Andrea, captured the moon in her blog as well. We live approximately 900 miles from each other and can look up into that big, beautiful sky and thank the Lord for the same moon we all are able to see. Enjoy your "harvest moon"!!
Yes the moons have been gorgeous have they not? Your cabinet is coming along very nicely... better for them to go slow and do a good job then quick and do a shoddy one! What a nice station you will have for folding clothes... or for leaving your black bras out!!