I know it's been a while since I've written any blog....so many things I want to do and it seems that there is so little time for those "want" things. Seems that as I get older, I feel restless....thoughts go through my head that there is not much time left to my life and yet, there are so many things I feel I haven't done, seen, gone to, spent time with, discovered, etc.
Financially, I am forced to work if I want a roof over my head, food on my table, and money to pay bills with. And it may not seem right to look forward to retirement because that is just wishing your life away faster! Is there a happy medium? I think that if I could afford to retire, then I would be able to spend time with daughter #1 in New York and enjoy her children; then do the same with daughter #2 in Connecticut; check in on my son and, oh so many ideas!!
But I keep telling myself "One day at a time!" One can't help having these thoughts when we see that some of our favorite people have passed to eternity right before our eyes. One of my favorite actors, Andy Griffith, just passed away at 86 on July 3rd. Now, some of you younger folk are probably thinking that 86 is O-L-D!!! Well, it probably seems like it is, but the closer you get to it, it doesn't seem that old!! Don't worry, some day you will understand what I am talking about. Andy was Christian and knew where his final destination would be.
I am thankful that, as a Christian, I too know where my final destination will be. Every day is a gift from God. He doesn't owe it to us, it is a GIFT. Every breath we take is also a gift from God. In these days so many people feel that everything should be "owed" to them. There are those of us who know that everything we have, every breath we take, every day when we open our eyes to a new day....it is not OWED to us, it is given to us as a GIFT from God.
What are you going to do with your GIFT today? There is no guarantee that you will have a "tomorrow".... so relish is what you have today, enjoy what you have today, and thank God for His graciousness of giving you that gift.
Enjoy your Independence Day....
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