Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas 1975

Well, I wanted to scan the picture that goes along with this poem, but I seem to have misplaced the printer driver disc. You know, this getting "older" stuff is for the birds!!! Anyway, a while back I shared a poem that I wrote quite a few years back and told you that I would share another one. Since it is now December, I decided to pull out the poem that I wrote a couple of years after I gave birth to Melissa (our middle child). Andrea, the big sister, drew a picture that goes with the poem. Andrea, the artist, drew a beautiful picture of me holding the baby next to the decorated fireplace and the Christmas tree next to it. Stockings are hung on the mantle and a fire is blazing in the fireplace. Melissa decided to come into this world on Christmas Eve day! Andrea was being cared for by her grandparents, and I wanted to be home for Christmas for her. And, guess what........ ta da........drum roll........the doctor let me go home the next morning as long as I promised not to do a thing (like I would be able to...HA!).


I still remember it so well
so now to you I'll tell
My story of Christmas 1975
When the true meaning of gifts came alive.

My Christmas shopping was finally done
Right down to the very last one.
Each gift selected with the greatest of care
I sighed as I plopped into my favorite chair.

Preparations had to be made weeks before
Decorations, the tree, and -- yes -- vacuum the floor.
The cookies, breads and mince pie were all made
And each piece of clothing in my suitcase I laid.

Plan ahead -- freeze your meals, the information sheet read
So visions of meatloaf danced in my head.
The names and phone numbers were all written down,
The goodie bag, lollipops, and a brand new nightgown.

I had everything in order, so I took a bow
Even the doctor said "Any day now!"
Would I be early, or would I be late?
Like a child waiting for Santa, I just couldn't wait!

Tom was instructed where the gifts he would find
And then I said, "Dear, I think it is time!"
So Andrea was taken to Grandma's -- everyone's eyes were a-blurring
At 2:30 Christmas Eve morning, not even a mouse was a-stirring!

Christmas Eve morning, at 10:05
Melissa Joy Goodwin finally arrived!
Our gifts to the family would all be given...
But this was God's gift -- sent from Heaven.

Our tiny baby girl was perfect through and through,
Mom and Dad were exhausted, but very happy, too.
Andrea, too, would have a gift that would please some...
A sister she could love for many years to come.

The second gift that came our way,
Was being able to go home on Christmas Day!

Wow, it will be 33 years ago...and it seems still like it was last year! How the time does fly. Now Melissa has three children of her own! Andrea, I wish I could have scanned your picture...even at such a young age, you were very articulate in your drawing!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see that picture! I do not remember it at all... will have to see it sometime! This is beautiful... you are so talented



Proudly Wearing the Red & Purple