Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Just One More Poem...

I've always enjoyed writing, but as I got older, other things distracted me...quilting, crafts, etc. This is the third poem I wrote and found in my papers recently. As we are in the holiday season, I cannot help but wonder if the majority of people realize what it is we are really supposed to be celebrating. The emphasis from retailers and media is materialistic "things". Things we think we need...must have; but after we have them, we tire of them quickly. Just look at the toybox of toys your children have. I'm sure alot of them were "must haves" at the time, but now they are stored in a box and mostly forgotten. I get tired of the commercials that say that in order to be happy we have to have this pair of jeans, or that car, or this special perfume. That was the reason for composing the following poem.

"Tis the Season"

Yes, it's come around again
to that time of year
When, as you look around you,
the world is "selling" cheer

The brightly colored decorations
all glimmer in the store
The trees, the lights, all catch our eye
commercials say "You NEED more!"

We make up our gift lists
and check the papers for a sale
Only 15 more days 'til Christmas
have the cards gone in the mail?

We're sure to do our baking
for there's parties to attend
The children's Christmas program --
Oh, not old Scrooge again!

Yes, this is the time especially
we find ourselves "strung out"
But wait a moment, take a break
What IS Christmas all about?

Reflect upon that wonderful night
in Bethlehem, so long ago
When a certain babe was born in a stable
and the stars had a special glow

The stars shone so very bright
the shepherds stopped to stare
Then angels told them to begin
their journey over there

Little did the shepherds know
this child was born to die
That He'd be punished for our sins
but then, rise up and reign on High

Yes, Christmas time IS here again
and the world would like to see
Us focus all our attention
on just the festivity

Oh, there's nothing wrong with enjoying
the holiday and festivities
Just remember WHY we celebrate
I'll tell you -- listen, please

What we really need to realize
as we celebrate Jesus' birth
Is that He came to offer salvation
to everyone on earth

The greatest gift ever given
was to all of us from God
Accept His gift -- You'll be glad you did
He's Jesus Christ, the Lord!

Jesus truly is the "The reason for the season!" May you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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