Lately I have been crocheting....hats, round baby blankets, etc. and at the craft shows I have my business name as "Going 'Round in Circles"...So, time to change from Purple Thoughts to Going 'Round in Circles". This not only applies to my crocheting, but my life in general, at times!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Surprise! Surprise!

Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Nutcracker - Ballet

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Just One More Poem...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas 1975
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"Love Deeply"
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Stuck in a Truck
Monday, November 3, 2008
Technology Challenged
So, the unpacking began...instructions, disc, cables and cords. After all, I've hooked up my own computer and wireless router...this should be a piece of cake! Things were going very smoothly ... UNTIL the install program asked for some information that neither Mary nor I had any clue what it was. I tried to cop out at this time by suggesting that Mary wait for her son-in-law to do it, since he was the one who set up her wireless router. Mary had a different plan...hey, girl, you started this and we ARE going to finish it!! :-)))) So, it was suggested we make a call to Linksys. I am NOT a phone person, so this was not high on my priority list. Mary IS a phone person and so we found the phone number and the fun began!! First a call to Linksys to see if they could provide us with the missing information needed to connect to the wireless printer. The young man tried desperately to help us, exerting so much patience up to a point....then he suggested we pay $9.99 so he could take control of the laptop and do it himself. Of course, we declined. Then we were transferred to a young lady from Philippines...who also tried to help us. She was at the end of her shift, so with compassion for the sleep-less, we decided to pay the $9.99 and let her do it!!! Okay, so we got to the point where we had the information needed, the computer was hooked to the printer with the USB cord, and we finally got the printer to print. Yay!!!! She was done with her task and wanted to go home to sleep! Now, she says, unplug the USB and print wirelessly. Should be easy enough....but it did not work. Exasperated, she declared it was now HP's fault and we needed to call them. Mary dialed the number, and we again gave control of the laptop to a young lady from India. Ohhhh, steps 3 & 4 were not completed with the printer set up....easy enough....and VOILA!!!! we were able to print WIRELESSLY. What should have been sooooo easy, took up approximately 4 + hours to complete!!! What happened to easy, do-it-yourself technology? Maybe that comes with the next purchase!!! Enjoy your Monday!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Balloon Festival

Last Sunday afternoon, my friend Mary and I went to Statesville to the 35th Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival. Not having been before, I was not sure what to expect. Statesville is kind of a hick town with a small airport, so I guess I thought this was going to be some small event with maybe 3-4 balloons. When we got there, which was way out in the sticks, we were parked in a large field alongside the airport. There were no balloons in sight. Great, I thought, I'm spending $8 for a look at a couple of balloons but, hey, they probably have vendors with great "fair" food!! We brought lawn chairs, as the website suggested, and hauled them on our shoulders through the large parking lot field. Beyond the tree line at the side of the field, there was another field with food vendors, and white event tents set up all over the place. To one side was a stage...but not one balloon in sight!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Voila! Laundry Hutch....
Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fall in the Carolinas
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Slow and Steady Wins the Race....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fall Moon
Thursday, October 9, 2008
On the third day ...
Baby Steps
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Re-Model Has Begun!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Fall Leaves...and Leaves Fall
I think I have always had an eye for trees. They have so much character! This one especially caught my eye this past weekend. My friend, Mary, and I took a day trip to Blowing Rock, NC, which is about 2 hours from where we live. Blowing Rock is a quaint town northwest of Charlotte, up in the mountains. There are many small shops to browse through, and this happened to be "Art in the Park" weekend with many artisans selling their craft. As we walked to where the artisans were, this tree caught my eye. As I stood and looked up at it, I marveled at how one side of the tree had just about lost all its leaves, while the other side had color spectacular! (This picture doesn't do the color justice.) It's almost as if this tree isn't quite ready to give in to old man winter!!
It just goes to show that God's beauty is everywhere....even in a tree!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008
I hear the country & western song I hear on the radio by Kenny Chesney,

Appreciate and thank the Lord for each day you open your eyes and breathe. Enjoy every day that is given to you...it is a gift! And enjoy your loved ones...they too are treasured gifts! But I am also thankful that tomorrow is the last day of the work week....ahhh Friday!! Enjoy your weekend!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Laundry Closet Make-Over

I really think that there ought to be more women in the home construction business! Maybe there are...but it appears that their opinions are not sought more! Tell me why, in a 1540 square foot townhome, you would put the laundry closet in the dining area of the kitchen??? Right there, in the only place you

So, three years ago, shortly after I moved into my townhouse, I was perusing the latest Southern Home magazine and came across this one page article on how someone hired a builder to re-design their laundry closet WHICH WAS ALSO IN THEIR DINING AREA!!! What an ingenius idea! You would never know that a washer and dryer were in it!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
September in NC

Friday, September 26, 2008
Comfort Zone Sabatoge

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ever have one of those friends who, without even realizing it, can do or say something that will change your mood for the better??
I am blessed to have several friends who do that...and it always amazes me how they can come up with such clever, witty remarks -- which seem to happen off the cuff -- like they don't even have to think about what they say...it just comes out and is so funny!!
I was sitting here listening to the sappy love songs playing on radio 102.9, checking my emails, and I get an email message from a good friend, who also happened to be my neighbor before she decided to move to Virginia last year. She is one of those who come out with things that make me laugh right out loud. My friend, Mary, can do the same thing. Boy, are they quick-witted!!! And then there's my friend, PJ, from CT who can call me on the phone out of the blue and get me laughing with her so much I almost
And I so appreciate that with friends like that, you are never in a "down" mood for very long!!
Laughter truly is medicine for the soul!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Senior Moment

I had arranged to have a "handyman" come to house tonight to give me a quote on converting my laundry closet into a built-in hutch that hides the washer and dryer. I tidied up the laundry closet, rearranging the paint cans and paint brushes so the closet would not look so messy.
When the handyman arrived, I showed him the laundry closet, explained what my plan was for the closet and let him take all the measurements he needed. In the meantime, I was looking through his photo album of work that he had done in other homes. After finishing looking at the book, I looked up to speak to the handyman and noticed...right there on the top of the dryer...in view of all eyes to see...was my black bra!!! Just as I saw it (and felt my face turn crimson), he said that the closet was quite tidy, compared to other homes he had been in, including the nicely folded lingerie!!!! Talk about embarrassment!!! Why didn't I see that thing when I was cleaning up the closet????? We both had a good laugh about it!! But, needless to say, I was still VERY embarrassed!!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fall is in the Air in NC

So, every morning (well, Monday through Friday, anyway...I actually sleep in a little on the weekends) around 6:15 a.m. I take Maestro out for his walk. Maestro is my newly adopted Shar-Pei/Welch Corgi mix 4-year old. As I headed out the door this morning, I immediately turned around, went back in the house, and grabbed a sweater! It has been SO long since I've had to put a sweater on...at least not since May!!
The coolness felt so good in one regard, but my body certainly was NOT prepared for it...and, I must admit, neither was my mind!! The leaves on the trees have lost their shiny luster. In it's place is the dull, almost lifeless leaf, grasping for the last of the chlorophyll before they succumb to the death that lies ahead. Okay...enough of this gloomy talk!!!! Actually, I love the beautiful colors of Fall...the vibrant yellows, reds and oranges! But I must admit, I do not look forward to the Winter that comes after Fall.
Get out, take a walk and enjoy the beauty of God's handiwork on the trees this Fall!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Okay, so size DOES matter in this case
So, today I decided to wear one under my blouse. There is a reason why there is a Junior department and a Misses department.... The bust on a "Junior" is a lot smaller than the bust on an overweight grandma!!!! Whether or not it is XL or not!!! I had to laugh at myself as I tried to get my grandma bust into a junior shelf bra built inside the camisole. Oh well, it was going to be under my blouse and no one but me was going to know that the shelf bra only covered half my bust!! I guess in this case, size DOES matter. Guess next time I'll stick to the Misses department!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Does Size Really Matter?
I made a trip to Kohl's to purchase some work slacks and decided that someone should start a petition to all the fashion designers of the world to standardize women's sizes. Why would I fit into a 12 Sag Harbor (why sag???) and a 16 Vera Wang??? But the strange thing is that my body did not change from the time I tried on the size 12 to when I tried on the size 16! I'd much rather discuss with my friends that I am a size 12 instead of a size 16.
So, I've decided that as long as I find a style that I like and that fits me, SIZE DOES NOT REALLY MATTER!!

Proudly Wearing the Red & Purple